DEMOCRACY: Freedom of Speech and Expression.

Abraham Lincoln defines Democracy as – “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”. Literally means, sole authority are the people, governed through freely elected representatives for the betterment of people.

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Democracy is best suited form of government for huge diversified nation like India. When a nation accommodates variety of castes, creeds, religions, Democracy never remains mere Democracy, it becomes deliberative one, where everyone is empowered to express views and take part in decision making whether by consensus or dissent

Constitution of India gives every citizen, a right to express i.e. freedom of speech and expression. This freedom includes freedom of dissent i.e. the freedom to express ones disagreement towards social, political or economic policy or any move of the government.   When people convey their difference of opinion, the Democracy becomes more deliberative; this is a step toward mature Democracy. This is a step towards peoples strengthening of faith on Democracy.

  When people don’t express their views, Democracy becomes more authoritarian. It merely remains relationship between Government and Governed. This lack of expression may be out of fear or lack of views. Both are dangerous. As Gandhi said, “Evolution of Democracy is not possible, if we are not prepared to hear other side.”

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In India Democracy is deeply rooted from the era of Buddhist Sanghas where decisions used to be made by consensus; and this culture of deliberation has evolved over the years through social movements, where leaders used to express their dissent about policies and oppressive acts. These leaders’ chose open speeches or assemblies to express. Many a time they faced sever oppression but never gave up.

In contemporary period, in schools and colleges, debates and discussion helped to make student expressive as well as tolerant and accommodative to others views.

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Elections in India are also a good platform, where everyone is allowed to express views and make remarks within constitutional limits.

For common people, the fourth pillar of Democracy, i.e. media comes to help. People, experts, scholars take part in debate discussions on channels on electric media and can write views, opinions and letters to editor to print one.

The Constitution of India gave voice to every citizen through article 19 ; it also includes freedom to hold opinion too.


Majority versus minority conflict gives rise to intolerant behavior on both sides, this lead to unstable Democracy. Intolerant behavior is only good for mutual distrust.  Dalai Lama said, “Compassion and tolerance are not sign of weakness but a sign of strength.” India as a nation needs to understand it, India need to show this sign of strength.

Media holding its own opinion is also a grave challenge to expression of dissent. Media, especially electronic, express its own opinion and sometimes judgments, generally known as media trial. It leaves no space for other views to place. Neutrality and impartiality of media is the key to strengthen faith on Democracy.

One of the pillars of strong Democracy is need of strong opposition in government, opposition of fearless and clear voice which can express their critic views on policies which can keep an eye on government.

Indian Democracy is mature. But it’s a continuous process, and continuously evolving process, where education and governance are two side of same coin to achieve evolved Democracy.

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First, as Gandhi said, “what is needed to make Democracy function, is not knowledge of facts but right education.” Right education definitely includes education about limits on right to express.

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Democratic values like tolerance, pluralism, and respect for views should be taught from schools and therefore this should be imbibed in social life.

Second, Government should represent pluralism of opinion views, because pluralism is instrumental to achieve unity in diversity.

A writer, Evelyn Beatrice Hall said to his friend, Voltaire,” I do not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to death your right to say it.” Government need to create a fearless environment, where one should defend the right to say; a freedom of expression! Because more dissent and its expression, stronger the faith on Democracy.

Author : Girish V P Langade

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